Category: Inspiration

  • Pet Memorial Mosaic: Dusty’s Rest

    Pet Memorial Mosaic: Dusty’s Rest

    Artist Sue Williams made a memorial mosaic for her recently-departed companion Dusty, and I wanted to share it with you for several reasons. The first reason is that Sue made the mosaic in sections on concrete pavers, which allowed her to make the mosaic in manageable pieces indoors. This mosaic is also worthy of note…

  • Inspiring Fireplace Surround Mosaic

    Inspiring Fireplace Surround Mosaic

    Artist Elinor Willis has recently completed a mixed-media mosaic fireplace surround, and it is wonderful. She also did a great job of photo-documenting the progress of her mosaic, which she made using the direct method of gluing one tile at a time directly to the backer.

  • Mosaic Shower Insert

    Mosaic Shower Insert

    Artist Nona Carr has recently completed a mosaic shower insert for a young child’s bathroom. The concept for the mosaic was an eclectic collection of iconic images rendered in adjacent frames, similar to my Mosaic Door project.

  • Abstract Stained-Glass Mosaic

    Abstract Stained-Glass Mosaic

    I am now obsessed with abstract stained-glass mosaic. I recently completed two small studies on 6×6-inch plywood backers in preparation for some larger compositions. These larger compositions will be semi-abstract with the outlines of figures hidden in Fauvist contours. I am very excited about these coming works because they will make use of contoured andamento,…

  • Abstract Figurative Mosaic Murals

    Abstract Figurative Mosaic Murals

    Artist Tracy Pennington makes large mosaic murals in an Abstract Figurative style, and her Springs Park mural in LaGrange, Kentucky is a good example. Tracy’s specific style of Abstract Figurative art is based patterns and textures, which are the mosaic medium’s intrinsic strength. After all, it’s difficult to arrange tiles without the mind seeing different…

  • Impressionist Landscape Mosaic Mural

    Impressionist Landscape Mosaic Mural

    Artist David Hilbertson recently completed his first mosaic and photo-documented the process of making it, which was somewhat of a tour-de-force in terms of using improvisation and working around problems. Even the image itself is more improvised than not, and yet the results are akin to an Impressionist painting or a pixelated photograph.

  • Still Life Mosaic Series

    Still Life Mosaic Series

    Louise Roberts recently emailed me to say that she has been teaching herself mosaic using our blog and that she followed my recommendation to make a series of small mosaics of the same size. She also attached some photos of her mosaics, and they are impressive. To me, her mosaics are yet more proof that…

  • How to Make an Aluminum Mosaic Frame

    How to Make an Aluminum Mosaic Frame

    The aluminum mosaic frame featured in this article was made by artist Natalija Moss from flat bar stock instead of angle stock. Natalija wrote highly-detailed instructions for making a mosaic frame from aluminum angle-stock that should be consulted for step-by-step details and fastener specifications. I wanted to feature her new mosaic in an article because…

  • Small Mosaiced Objects: Decorative and Utilitarian

    Small Mosaiced Objects: Decorative and Utilitarian

    Artist Donna Stern has made some small mosaic sculptures that demonstrate the range of possibilities the medium has beyond murals and coverings for larger surfaces. Some of Donna’s recent mosaics are utilitarian (switch covers) while others are strictly decorative (mixed-media fish sculptures), but they are all small and very well done.

  • Mosaic Obelisk Garden Sculpture

    Mosaic Obelisk Garden Sculpture

    Lyn Richards has been making a series of mosaic obelisks for installation as garden sculptures, each with a completely different design. Like her Irises mosaic birdbath, Lyn’s garden obelisks are tightly executed.

  • Van Gogh’s Cat Mixed-Media Mosaic Sculpture

    Van Gogh’s Cat Mixed-Media Mosaic Sculpture

    Artist Peter Vogelaar has been at it again, and this time he has managed to surprise me. His recent mixed-media mosaic sculpture Van Gogh’s Cat has a plinth that steals the show in my opinion. The plinth on which the cat is standing is a mosaic-covered cylinder that seamlessly combines Van Gogh’s Starry Night and…

  • Fundamentals of Mosaic Composition

    Fundamentals of Mosaic Composition

    I recently completed a mosaic titled Woodpecker Forest, which shows a pileated woodpecker on the side of a pine tree in a forest carpeted with capensis flowers. I think this composition is a good teaching example because it demonstrates several fundamentals of visual art. There is strong value contrast (light-dark) contrast in both the figure…