Artist Dorothy Stucki is having an opening reception for a show of her recent work, which includes some mosaics.
The show is called “Angelic Presence,” and the opening is Sunday April 16th, 2023, from 4 to 7pm.
Dorothy is a Mosaic Art Supply alum and a talented artist. She works in a variety of visual mediums including mixed-media drawing, painting, and mosaic.
Dorothy’s work is figurative, symbolic, and mystical. Her body of work as a whole demonstrates a strong Frida-Kahlo influence.
Dorothy’s images are reminiscent of things like alchemy texts and Tarot cards and mosaics of the old Roman mystery cults.
The mosaics in this show are dream icons.

I love seeing different styles and aesthetic executed in mosaic. It demonstrates just how versatile the medium is.
Time, Date, Place
The show is small and being held in a residential basement by the owner of the Hilo Gallery. The location is:
551 McWilliams Rd SE
Atlanta, GA 30315
The date of the show is this Sunday, the 16th of April, 2023, from 4 to 7pm.

Dorothy’s Grouting Video
Dorothy has posted a video of grouting one of her mosaics on Instagram.
Dorothy used black grout on the mosaic in the video above, and I think it was a good choice given the bold tile colors and the theme/aesthetics.

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