• Consistent Grout Gaps

    Consistent Grout Gaps

    In my recent blog article about black and white grout, I wrote the following tip for minimizing the width of grout gaps and working a little faster at the same time: If tiles only touch at points but not along the length of their sides, then tiles can be positioned very closely and yet still…

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  • Increase Visual Interest by Using Variegated Colors

    Increase Visual Interest by Using Variegated Colors

    You can increase visual interest in your mosaic by using variegated colors (multiple colors in patches or streaks) instead of monochromatic fields of only one color. This technique is particularly effective if your design is relatively simple and made from outlined areas of color like a coloring book or cartoon.

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  • Black Grout vs White Grout

    Black Grout vs White Grout

    Black grouts bring out the intensity of tile colors while white grouts overwhelm them. Natalie Knox’s Day of the Dead Skull mosaic is a good example of how well black grouts work and how a light colored backer isn’t a good indicator of the mosaic would look with white grout. Don’t Be Fooled If you…

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  • Backers for Outdoor Garden Mosaics

    Backers for Outdoor Garden Mosaics

    Outdoor mosaics must be made on concrete or stone or masonry, but that doesn’t mean you have to pour a concrete slab or do some other form of heavy construction. Flagstones (flat paving stones) and concrete stepping stones are readily available at building material stores and lawn and garden centers. The flagstones are great if…

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  • Materials and Methods for Outdoor Mosaic Tables

    Materials and Methods for Outdoor Mosaic Tables

    Artist Risa Puno recently completed her interactive mosaic sculpture Common Ground for Rufus King Park in Jamaica Queens, NYC, and the project is a great example for discussing materials and methods for mosaic table tops. No Plywood Backers Outdoors Plywood is never an acceptable backer for outdoor mosaic table tops. Humidity in outdoor air can…

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  • Artist Studios at the MAS Warehouse

    Artist Studios at the MAS Warehouse

    The Mosaic Art Supply warehouse is filled with artist studios in appropriated spaces: the loading dock, the office, the reception area, and mixed-use tables in the middle of the warehouse itself. In my most recent blog post, I discussed how purchases from Mosaic Art Supply support the arts in a real and direct way. In…

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  • Abstract Geometric Mosaic Table Tops

    Abstract Geometric Mosaic Table Tops

    Inspiring mosaic table tops with abstract geometric patterns were recently created by artist Risa Puno as part of her public art project Common Ground, an interactive sculpture designed to bring people closer together physically. The concept of Risa’s sculpture plays on the metaphor of multiculturalism as mosaic, but instead of the folk or children’s artwork…

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  • California Mosaic Bench

    California Mosaic Bench

    Keira Miller recently made a mosaic bench in the shape of the state of California with a class of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.  The mosaic bench is made from California redwood and is to be auctioned off as part of a fundraiser to benefit their Montessori school. Note that we do NOT recommend wood…

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  • Must-See Mosaic Sculpture By Cherie Bosela

    Must-See Mosaic Sculpture By Cherie Bosela

    Artist Cherie Bosela has some mixed-media mosaic sculpture that you really should see, especially if you are considering making some of your own. Cherie’s body of work is incredible, and it includes bas relief mosaics (flat panel with raised elements) and figurative sculpture encrusted with glass beads and found objects such as seashells. I absolutely…

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  • Grouting Case Study (Plus Mosaic Art Worth Seeing)

    Grouting Case Study (Plus Mosaic Art Worth Seeing)

    Artist Sherri Grasmuck created a mosaic facade of Guatemalan women on her house in Philadelphia that is the perfect case study for choosing a grout color.

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  • Why Did My Tiles Come Loose From Thinset?

    Why Did My Tiles Come Loose From Thinset?

    Recently, artist Jackye Mills emailed me about a problem she was having with her first mosaic project, and it really caused me a lot of angst because the artwork was a strong design that was otherwise well executed. I hated the thought that a first-time mosaicist could do such a good job on something so ambitious only to…

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  • Making Mixed-Media Mosaics By A Process of Elimination

    Making Mixed-Media Mosaics By A Process of Elimination

    Artist Susan Watson created a stained glass and stone mosaic for her studio exterior wall and chose the background color and material using a process of trial and elimination. Mixed-media mosaic artists often choose backgrounds by laying tile on the pattern or backer after the figures have been tiled, as I explained in my recent article…

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