We have resumed operations and are now shipping packages normally.
Please be decent to people in these hard times.
My apologies to anyone who I have offended with my criticism of Donald Trump in my previous post Coronavirus Helmets, but you might want to give me a pass on that for several reasons:
My ex-wife is from NYC, and I was aware of all the deeply disturbing things that local people knew about Donald Trump BEFORE he entered politics, including assessments by very conservative bankers and tradesmen who hated Hillary Clinton with a passion. Most anyone who worked with Trump described him as a crook and cheat with too many ties to the wrong sort of Russians.
I have other insider information that makes me feel guilty for not speaking out sooner.
Mosaic Art Supply is just one of the many things I do. I have multiple engineering degrees and work on different types of intellectual property with people who have technical PhDs. I have access to first-hand information that most people living in middle America couldn’t imagine, including my much-loved kin folk in Mississippi.
Here’s just one specific example:
The Atlanta CDC is three miles from my house, and it isn’t possible to live in my neighborhood without knowing someone working in Infectious Disease there. One of my friends there was awarded a grant from the Gates Foundation and also managed a national lab in Africa and field operations during the previous Ebola virus outbreak.
But forget about him. By February, even the groundskeepers and custodial staff at CDC were aware we were about to be hit by an unprecedented disaster. Anyone who bothered to listen to international news was aware.
I should state that I have held a Department of Defense security clearance, and the University of Georgia patented my masters thesis, which involved microbiology.
Like any experienced manufacturing engineer, I had a complete safety plan in place for my employees to work solo shifts wearing N95 masks I purchased well in advance of the crisis, having dealt with outbreaks of flu and stomach virus in production lines before. My criticism of Donald Trump is as a professional.
Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor
Some things are more important than selling mosaic tile, but I would hope that any decent person wouldn’t hold it against me for saying what I knew to be true beyond any shadow of a doubt and not mere opinion.
Our Founding Fathers believed that the King of England had been ordained by God, but the Lord gave them the wisdom and courage to write, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

I feel a deep and profound guilt for not speaking out about Trump sooner.
It has been hard to hold my tongue for three years.
I had thought it was safe to speak out now because anyone could see that Trump spent the entire month of February telling the public there was no crisis when public health experts were alarmed in January.
We have been assured by contacts at USPS that their sorting centers have put safety measures in place where we can ship packages again without putting people at risk.
That was my main reason for closing in the first place, since we don’t allow walk-in retail customers and could have continued to operate safely.
In our own shop, we are wearing N95 masks and working solo shifts around the clock to ensure no direct personal contact.
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