Category: Art Review

  • Changing Grout Color With Paint

    Changing Grout Color With Paint

    The following method is only recommended for dry indoor mosaics. Artist Megan Adams recently used it to save a mosaic that had been compromised by white grout, which makes tile colors look less intense and the mosaic as a whole “bleached out” in appearance. We put white grout in bathrooms because it is used as…

  • How To Use Iridescent Tile For Lights and Reflections

    How To Use Iridescent Tile For Lights and Reflections

    If we gave an award for best use of iridescent tile to create a sense of lighting in a scene, artist Terry Broderick’s mosaic “Pittsburgh Cityscape,” would have won it hands down. It is a must-see mosaic. Even if you aren’t planning on using iridescent tile for lights in a night scene, Terry’s mosaic is…

  • Chakra Tree of Life Mosaic, A Study in Design

    Chakra Tree of Life Mosaic, A Study in Design

    Artist Betty Ackerman recently used our fire-polished millefiori (the Mud-Turtle Mosaic brand) and stained glass to make a circular mosaic in the form of a rainbow-colored tree of life with a column of chakras spiraling inward on the trunk. Betty calls her mosaic “Chakra Tree of Life.” The first mosaics I ever made were found-object…

  • Glass-on-Glass Mosaic Table

    Glass-on-Glass Mosaic Table

    Artist Melanie Squires recently completed a stained-glass mosaic table, and I wanted to show it off for several reasons, and not just because it looks so good. There are some materials and methods to discuss, and there is the use of impressionism for the koi, which I thought was particularly effective. The Table Melanie made…

  • Mosaic Lawn Sculptures by Bernie Taylor

    Mosaic Lawn Sculptures by Bernie Taylor

    Recently artist Bernie Taylor emailed me some pictures of his mosaic lawn sculptures including some concrete bird baths and benches, and he has an impressive body of work. Bernie’s work is also a great example of how you can buy factory-made concrete sculptures and make them unique works of art by covering them with mosaic.…

  • Mosaic Tables and Interior Design

    Mosaic Tables and Interior Design

    Artist RJ Spurr recently completed two mosaic tables for his home, and I wanted to share them because the level of craft work is excellent, and the designs are integrated with the color schemes of rooms where they were installed. The great thing about dry indoor mosaics is that you can use wood as a…

  • Mosaic Memorial Cross for Maddie

    Mosaic Memorial Cross for Maddie

    Georgia Art Teacher Connie Wells has been working with her students on a memorial cross project: Highland Christian Academy in Valdosta, GA  wanted to remember one of our 8th grade students, Maddie Pitts that recently passed away from cancer in a personal, honorable way. As we constructed a small garden area with a pink bench…

  • Choosing Grout Color Using Tile Test Swatches

    Choosing Grout Color Using Tile Test Swatches

    Tracy Kaplan recently emailed us a picture of her FIRST mosaic, and it is nice solid work, impressive even, especially considering that her instructor gave her some problematic advice concerning the grout color.  Tracy’s teacher had recommended a chocolate or nutmeg colored grout, but Tracy wisely considered how a dark brown might cause adjacent tree…

  • Mosaic Furniture Pique Assiette Alternative

    Mosaic Furniture Pique Assiette Alternative

    Mosaic furniture can be made from glass mosaic tile more easily and more affordably than it can be made from pieces cut from antique china and other patterned dinnerware. It’s also much more colorful! The choices available range from bright rainbow colors to soft pastels to different color families, earth tones, black and white. You…

  • Repeating Motifs and Abstract Mosaics

    Repeating Motifs and Abstract Mosaics

    Repeating simple designs or motifs is an effective way to make iconic compositions that catch the eye, and you can take this technique to its extreme to produce abstract art where the pattern itself becomes the subject of the art and not just a tool for rendering figures. Karla Conmy’s River Meanders mosaic is a…

  • Civil Rights Mural Created At MAS Warehouse

    Civil Rights Mural Created At MAS Warehouse

    Mosaic Art Supply tries to hire only professional artists from a working-class background, which means people who pursued their art because they were passionate about it and not merely because they had inherited some form of income. This means our workers have various  skills and intellectual interests that inform their artwork and make them better…

  • Mosaic Saints, Angels, and Icons

    Mosaic Saints, Angels, and Icons

    Historically, mosaic icons were made with traditional materials like smalti, marble, and gold leaf glass. Those traditional mosaic materials might be preferred if you are trying to make a reproduction that looks historically accurate, but they are more expensive and more difficult to work with. Do You Need Smalti? If you have any latitude in…