• How to Make a Stepping Stone with Scrap Glass

    How to Make a Stepping Stone with Scrap Glass

    If you work with stained glass over time you can end up with buckets full of scrap. When the pieces start getting too small and irregular, or if there’s just too much of it, you can used them in a stepping stone. This tutorial demonstrates how to make a stepping stone with an abstract pattern.…

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  • Glass or Ceramic Tile for Mosaic Patio Table?

    Glass or Ceramic Tile for Mosaic Patio Table?

    Ceramic tile can be used for outdoor mosaic patio tables provided you live someplace warm year round, but otherwise glass tile should be used because it is impervious to moisture and freeze damage. There are other reasons to use glass tile explained later in this article. Concrete Patio Table Set Artist Naomi Haas recently completed a…

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  • How To Price Mosaic Art

    How To Price Mosaic Art

    Pricing art is difficult because it is subjective, and pricing mosaic artwork is even more problematic due to the extra labor required to make it, but there is a structured way to determine a hard number, even if the buyer is a friend or relative. Recently artist Valri Castleman emailed my a photo of her untitled mosaic shown…

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  • Interpreting Artwork In A Different Medium

    Interpreting Artwork In A Different Medium

    Interpreting a work of art in a different medium is a matter of capturing the essence of the original without being an exact copy, although most people would prefer to see a copy that had no departures than something that was unrecognizable. With that in mind, the first step in creating an interpretation of an existing work…

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  • How To Add Texture To Mosaic Art

    How To Add Texture To Mosaic Art

    Mosaic artwork can include rough textural elements that would be impractical in architectural tiling such as a shower wall, which needs to be smooth for cleaning and safety. Note that smooth does not mean flat. You can have textural elements in an architectural surface, but they need to be rounded and not jagged. (Cheese-grater walls…

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  • Patio Mosaic Alternatives

    Patio Mosaic Alternatives

    Patios are excellent locations for mosaics, but the patio floor itself is not as good a surface for a mosaic as a surrounding wall or brick planter would be. The main reason is simple: metal patio furniture will crack and crush glass tile, and glass is the preferred material because it is frost proof, economical, and comes…

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  • How to Hang Mosaic Art with French Cleat Wall Mounts

    How to Hang Mosaic Art with French Cleat Wall Mounts

    Small mosaic plaques can be mounted on a wall with a the same type of hangers and wires used for paintings provided the nail on which it hangs is mounted in a stud inside the wall, and even then redundant wires and fasteners are recommended. However, larger mosaics need more robust mounting hardware. The “french…

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  • Mosaic Interpretation of Picasso Painting

    Mosaic Interpretation of Picasso Painting

    Brian Kyle’s mosaic interpretation of Picasso’s painting “Man With Ice Cream Cone” is a refreshing departure from the cute themes that seem to dominate contemporary mosaic artwork. Brian calls his mosaic “The Lecher” and says that some people are creeped out by it. I say that makes it real Art (with a capital A) in the sense of…

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  • How to Build Up Areas and Fill Holes in Mosaic Backers

    How to Build Up Areas and Fill Holes in Mosaic Backers

    For dry indoor mosaics, areas can be built up to support thinner tile next to thicker tile by mixing sand or sawdust to Weldbond adhesive to create a heavy paste. You can also fill holes in mosaic backers using this method. Sand is best for minimizing the contraction that happens as the glue dries, but sawdust…

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  • Matching Grout to a Room’s Color Scheme?

    Matching Grout to a Room’s Color Scheme?

    Choosing a grout color is more of a situation where you want to avoid making a mistake that causes the tile to look wrong than it is an opportunity to tie in the room’s color scheme by selecting some optimal color. A Case Study Should you match grout color to a room’s color scheme? Not necessarily. Making…

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  • Mosaic Jewels, Gold, and Silver

    Mosaic Jewels, Gold, and Silver

    The following picture of 24kt Gold Leaf Mosaic Glass Tiles mixed with Faceted Glass Jewels is the best evidence I can point to for our renewed commitment to finding exciting new products for use in mosaic artwork: Mosaic Gold 24 kt with Faceted Glass Jewels could be used to make wonderful mosaic art in a medieval…

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  • Creating Visual Interest In Mosaics

    Creating Visual Interest In Mosaics

    Contrast is a good way to create visual interest in your mosaic, and when contrast comes in the form of highlights and shadows, it also creates verisimilitude (the appearance of being real). Highlights and shadows can be as simple as shading the edges of a figure and leaving the center lighter so that the figure…

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