Tag: abstract mosaic

  • Contrasts: Value Versus Hue

    Contrasts: Value Versus Hue

    Natalija Moss’s latest mosaic is a small work of 12 inches in width, but it demonstrates the power of contrast in value and of contrast in hue.

  • Aspen Glen Mosaic as Semi-Abstract Art

    Aspen Glen Mosaic as Semi-Abstract Art

    Artist Michael Hayes recently completed a mosaic based on a photo he took of an aspen glen in Colorado several years ago. I wanted to share this mosaic for several reasons and not merely because it is a strong work by someone just starting out with mosaic.

  • Value Contrast in Abstract Mosaic Artwork

    Value Contrast in Abstract Mosaic Artwork

    Natalija has made some abstract stained glass mosaics over the years, and I noticed something about one of them last week: It’s as a great example of value contrast and its power for creating a sense of depth and increasing visual interest. I’ve written previously about the importance of value contrast in figurative mosaic artwork…

  • Abstract Mosaics As “Quilt” Elements

    Abstract Mosaics As “Quilt” Elements

    Artist Barbara Stutts recently emailed me some photos of her abstract mosaic stepping stones and mosaic-covered river stones, and they resonated with me for several reasons. Barbara says she is relatively new to mosaic, but her abstract mosaics are worth sharing because they are well executed and serve as good teaching examples. In this case,…