
Van Gogh’s Cat Mixed-Media Mosaic Sculpture

Artist Peter Vogelaar has been at it again, and this time he has managed to surprise me. His recent mixed-media mosaic sculpture Van Gogh’s Cat has a plinth that steals the show in my opinion.

The plinth on which the cat is standing is a mosaic-covered cylinder that seamlessly combines Van Gogh’s Starry Night and his Wheat Field with Crow.

Stop and think about that for a second.

The plinth on which the cat sculpture stands has a mosaic interpretation of not one but two famous paintings by an all-time great that have been seamlessly integrated.

With a plinth that amazing, it’s as if the picture frame and not the painting were focus of the art!

Of course I’m being a little tongue in cheek. The plinth of Peter’s sculpture is a large part of the sculpture and its theme, and it’s not an afterthought or something separate or extra.







8 responses to “Van Gogh’s Cat Mixed-Media Mosaic Sculpture”

  1. Michelle Donaldson Avatar
    Michelle Donaldson

    Wonderfully unique and fabulous!

  2. Sandy Matthews Avatar
    Sandy Matthews


  3. Karen White-Dacy Avatar
    Karen White-Dacy

    Blown away! Awesome! Love the blue on the cat’s paw.

  4. Susan Altman Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this, Joe. It’s amazing, esp the merging of the two paintings!

  5. Karen Brow Avatar
    Karen Brow

    Would love some info about his materials and techniques. Looks like several grout colors. Did he use mostly ¾“ tiles? What about the small black details? What is the cat substrate and tessera?

    Great post!

    1. Joe Moorman Avatar
      Joe Moorman

      Hi Karen,

      I think all the tile used was 3/4 inch vitreous glass, including the small black details such as the crows over the wheat field.

      The cat was welded from steel slugs generated as a waste product by a machine shop.

      I’m not sure what the black substrate inside the cat is or if it was essential in the manufacturing process. It may simply be filler and not a backer structurally. I think that the steel slugs are welded together instead of being mounted to the backer like mosaic.

  6. Claudia Avatar

    What a show stopping piece! Thanks for the article.

  7. Ethel Jaske Avatar
    Ethel Jaske

    Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for showing us such a lovely mosaic. The creative skills of people can be amazing. I just love the cats! I hope this artist continues his art and that you continue to share.

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