Artist Peter Vogelaar has been at it again, and this time he has managed to surprise me. His recent mixed-media mosaic sculpture Van Gogh’s Cat has a plinth that steals the show in my opinion.
The plinth on which the cat is standing is a mosaic-covered cylinder that seamlessly combines Van Gogh’s Starry Night and his Wheat Field with Crow.
Stop and think about that for a second.
The plinth on which the cat sculpture stands has a mosaic interpretation of not one but two famous paintings by an all-time great that have been seamlessly integrated.
With a plinth that amazing, it’s as if the picture frame and not the painting were focus of the art!
Of course I’m being a little tongue in cheek. The plinth of Peter’s sculpture is a large part of the sculpture and its theme, and it’s not an afterthought or something separate or extra.

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