I recently completed this abstract mosaic using our American-made stained glass.
The title is Latin Jazz, and it is 16 x 16 inches in size and mounted on a plywood backer covered with two plies of fiberglass mesh and PVA adhesive.

Contact Paper
This mosaic was laid out on clear contact paper before being lifted off with Mosaic Mounting Tape.

Mosaic Mounting Tape
Once the mosaic design was completely laid out on the clear contact paper, Mosaic Mounting Tape was used to “lift” the entire mosaic off the contact paper.
In this case, the “lifting” was done by carefully flipping the mosaic upside down (by pressing a board to its face), and then the contact paper was lifted off the bottom of the mosaic.
I didn’t try to pick up the mosaic by the Mounting Tape because this mosaic is made from small pieces instead of whole tiles, and many of the smallest pieces would have fallen off the tape.

I am fascinated with mosaic artwork where the andamento (row structure) is used to convey a sense of motion.

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