The Mosaic Art Supply warehouse is filled with artist studios in appropriated spaces: the loading dock, the office, the reception area, and mixed-use tables in the middle of the warehouse itself.
In my most recent blog post, I discussed how purchases from Mosaic Art Supply support the arts in a real and direct way. In this blog article, I wanted to show pictures of some of the studio areas in our warehouse.
Lucas: The Back 40

Nikita Raper: Loading Dock

Adam Sprague: Office Space

Angela Bortone: Reception Area

Joe Moorman: Main Warehouse

Natalija Moss: Wherever She Wants

Your Home Art Studio
Never let a lack of space discourage you from creating art. All of us at Mosaic Art Supply have made art in tiny apartments and even in hotel rooms while on business travel. Your studio can be as small and as simple as table or desk -or even some plastic totes that can be used to store materials until they can be used on a table or desk that is normally used for other purposes.
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