Category: Material and Tool Information

  • Vinegar Cleaning Grout Haze and Pit Stains

    Vinegar Cleaning Grout Haze and Pit Stains

    Glass mosaic tile, particularly vitreous glass tiles have sometimes have a few tiny pits in their surface, and these tiny pits can get stained with grout. Fortunately the pit staining can be prevented by applying a product called grout release before grouting, which is what installers use for large architectural tiling jobs. You can also…

  • How To Clean Up After Mixing Grout Or Mortar

    How To Clean Up After Mixing Grout Or Mortar

    I made a video showing how to clean up the spreading tools and bucket after mixing up grout or thinset mortar. My method only requires a cup or two of water from a spray bottle and some downcycled plastic grocery bags.

  • How to Mount a Gapless Mosaic in Thinset Mortar

    How to Mount a Gapless Mosaic in Thinset Mortar

    I just made a video that shows how to mount a mosaic without a grout gap in a bed of thinset mortar. The project task used for the video was mounting the QR Code Mosaic to an outdoor sign backer that made from mortar and hardware cloth. The Video Here’s the video: video: How To…

  • QR-Code Mosaic Sign

    QR-Code Mosaic Sign

    I needed to make a QR-code sign for my yard to tell my neighbors about the native pollinator meadow seedlings I have for them this year. I’ve converted my lawn into a native pollinator meadow, with all sorts of amazing results in terms of butterflies and hummingbirds and native ecology, and I am trying to…

  • Mounting and Grouting Moses Mosaic

    Mounting and Grouting Moses Mosaic

    I have mounted my mosaic Moses Dreaming on Sinai on an irregularly-shaped backer and grouted the mosaic. I have made videos of the mounting and grouting processes.

  • Backer for Irregularly-Shaped Mosaic

    Backer for Irregularly-Shaped Mosaic

    I have made another mosaic of Moses dreaming on Mount Sinai, and this version also has an irregular shape. I like making sacred relics and visual artwork that “goes past the frame.” I wanted this mosaic to be on a stone tablet like the original decalogue.

  • Mr. Pinchapotamus 2.0 Improved Tile Cutting Fixture

    Mr. Pinchapotamus 2.0 Improved Tile Cutting Fixture

    Yes, your wildest dreams have come true. Mr. Pinchapotamus, your favorite tile cutting fixture has been redesigned to make it even more efficient. After tens of thousands of hours of research at MIT, CERN, and Cal Tech, scientists have finally found a way to make Mr. Pinchapotamus easier to load with a tile. This breakthrough…

  • How To Mosaic Videos with Narration

    How To Mosaic Videos with Narration

    MAS employee Stone Irvin is an electronica recording artist, and she has agreed to read the captions for our mosaic videos and to compose the theme music. We have published two of these narrated videos, and I am eager for your feedback. Quick Color Studies The following video shows how to make a quick color…

  • Morjo™ How to Mosaic Videos

    Morjo™ How to Mosaic Videos

    I am producing a series of How to Mosaic Videos and have rebranded our Youtube Channel to Morjo Mosaic Tile™. I have about 30 to 40 videos currently in production and will be publishing these in the coming weeks. The mosaic video published today is: HOW TO IMPROVISE A MOSAIC DESIGN WITHOUT DRAWING Using Morjo™…

  • Mosaic Glass Color and Lighting

    Mosaic Glass Color and Lighting

    As we know from high school science, the color of an object is only the light it is reflecting while absorbing all the other frequencies (colors) that make up white sunlight. What this means is that a blue object won’t appear very blue if there isn’t much blue light to reflect, such as the warm-tone…

  • A Guide to Our American-Made Stained Glass

    A Guide to Our American-Made Stained Glass

    Our Stained Glass is proudly made in the U.S.A. by Youghiogheny Glass located in western Pennsylvania. In addition to making their own branded line of glass of different types, Youghiogheny Glass also manufacturers the Uroboros and Oceana brands, and they own the rights to other brands of glass that might be produced in the future.…

  • Increasing the Working Time of Mosaic Adhesives

    Increasing the Working Time of Mosaic Adhesives

    Although it is easier to create a mosaic using a temporary surface which allows you to make edits before gluing anything, many artists prefer to work directly on the backer and glue one tile at a time. The key for making the one-at-time (direct) method work is to increase the working time of the mosaic…